Cow productive life taken seriously
Posted On 30/11/2023
Most modern dairy farms are looking at milk production as a primary scale of success. This is great but is only one dimension of what is really food production.
So – Fleckvieh adds efficiencies:
- Milk production for longer years and number of lactations. Benefit: No need for constantly worrying about replacements, instead have cows you don`t know that are there. Merely making milk.
- Residual value when you decide you want to cull a given cow due to more muscle mass.
- Historic knowledge of this given cow`s familiy performance to use as buidling blocks for more successful generations.
- Direct relationship between skeletal build to and functionality: tail head, pin bones , descending pelvis, space for uddder attachment, calving ease.
- Less risk of buying diseases with purchased replacements. e.g. Johne`s disease, tuberculosis, parasites.