Author: Max Popp, DVM

The cost of Subclinical Ketosis to dairy farms

Several costly issues can arise when subclinical ketosis lingers in your herd. Firstly the fresh cow needs to get rebred and this condition can delay rebreeding. Secondly, early lactation culls and death losses are attributable to this. Why wait to get the cow on the milk line and then...

Good Cow Comfort Makes Milk

As you can see, cow comfort is very high in this case. When this cow lives in the barn, she faces a series of challenges such as concrete floors, other cows, air that is too hot or too cold or blowing too much, noise levels, people movement, machinery, milking parlour exposure,...

Helderberg – Bayern Genetik Sire

Helderberg is a younger proven sire of Bayern Genetik. His winning progeny was shown and the animal show in Miesbach in Bavaria. His blood line has the bull Hippo in it who was an all time favorite and there are many daughters of his milking. The bull has good...

Rhesus – Bayern Genetik Sire

Rhesus is a son of “Roundup”, a sire who again produced a great number of daughters. Production of milk is not the top trait, but feet and legs, good conformation and all around strength are his primary points. He is an all around sire with ability to add substance...

Waldhoer – Bayern Genetik Sire

Waldhoer – Bayern Genetik Sire Feature Here you see the bull “Waldhoer” available through Better Dairy Cow, official distributor Fleckvieh Semen Sales – Canada and United States. He is showing outstanding progeny in North America as well as Europe. Very excellent for udder quality/attachments and medium size frame. He...

Making headway with Milking Fleckvieh registry in North America

Making headway with Milking Fleckvieh registry in North America Many farms want to register Fleckvieh cattle and track performance while doing dairy crossbreeding. There are publications out there that demonstrate the viability of Fleckvieh use and their use in dairy production. Nothing beats having your own system though. Recently,...

How To Reduce The Causes of Mastitis

Mastitis is production-limiting, complex condition that can increase cull rates, veterinary visits and operating costs. Management and environmental factors are important and one way to help reduce mastitis, lower somatic cell counts and get more lactations per cow, is by taking advantage of hybrid vigor with crossbreeding. An indicator...

The History of Fleckvieh Dual Purpose Cattle

Considering Genetic Change For Your Dairy Herd? The most accepted theory about the history of Fleckvieh and the formation of the modern Fleckvieh animal goes as such: A dark colored bovine animal that was related to prehistoric cattle was cross bred with other tame domesticated cattle, to form this...

Four Big Advantages of Fleckvieh Dairy Cows

There are several good reasons why dairy farmers in North America are learning about the advantages of Fleckvieh x Holstein crossbreeding! Worldwide, the Fleckvieh cattle breed has a large population of about 42 million animals. In some areas of the world these cattle are very common place on dairy...